Alternate Worship Spaces: Worship In A Night Club?

By Stacy Andrews
Sunday, August 17, 2003

Worship in a Night Club?

by Stacy Andrews

The following is an interview with Stacy Andrews, a collegiate minister in Jackson, MS ...

Q: You have a ministry for college students and 20-something's {as you call them} called "Matthew’s Party", what exactly is it?

A: It is a college-oriented worship service we do once a month for college students all across the Jackson Metro area, and we do it at the Dock ... a local night club located on the Reservoir. We have a live band that leads in both up-beat & reflective worship, then we have Bible study that attempts to connect Scripture with today’s college student.

Q: What do you mean by the name “MATTHEW’S PARTY”?

A: Well, we get the name from Luke chapter 5. Jesus calls Matthew—also known as Levi—to follow Him, then Matthew throws a party at his house. He invites his tax collector friends-who probably did not know the Lord-and he invited Jesus and some of the disciples. This seems to be an attempt by Matthew to both get to know Jesus better personally, and introduce his friends to Jesus.

Q: The Dock is typically known as a bar and nightclub, why do you have this event there?

A: Well, first of all, the owners at the Dock have been very gracious to allow us to do this – they have gone out of their way to work with us. The Dock is closed on Tuesdays but they let us use their facility to have this event. We have it there because we can meet college students there who may not be ready to come into a traditional church building. Interestingly, Scripture never tells lost people to go to church, but it does tell Christians to go into the world with the gospel. That’s what we are doing.

Q: In your opinion has it been "successful" so far?

A: That term is loaded ... so I try to use is carefully, but yes. Each time, we have experienced what I would call authentic worship and clear Bible study so that in and of itself is a good thing.

Q: I mean, have you had a lot of college students show up?

A: Well, I don't like to use numbers as a qualifier, but we have had about 200 college students each time. They come from Mississippi College, Bellhaven, Milsaps, Hinds, Holmes you name it.

Q: In the story you mentioned in Luke 5, Jesus was criticized by the religious people for associating with “sinners” – have you been criticized by the religious community?

A: For the most part we have been supported. Our church leadership and church body have all been a part of this from the beginning. I am sure they may be some “modern day Pharisees” who question our efforts, if so I want to humbly answer them with the words our Lord spoke to the Pharisees in Luke chapter five - “it is the sick that need the doctor – not the well.”

Q: What does the future hold for “MATTHEW’S PARTY” & and how can college students find out more about it?

A: We will have “Matthew’s Party” at 9:00 PM on Tuesday nights at the Dock - just show up.


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